HighPoint’s corporate social responsibility policy is founded on four of our core business values:
- Social responsibility and human rights
- Environmental protection
- Ethics and governance
- Health and Safety
Our goal is to ensure that these values are a part of every aspect of our operation and present in our relationships with customers and suppliers.
To meet this goal, we have the following measures in place:
- HighPoint seeks to do business with suppliers who have adopted the EICC Code of Conduct and who uphold the guiding principles of the UN Global Compact.
- Compliance with HighPoint’s Code of Conduct is a part of our contractual agreements with suppliers.
- HighPoint Solution’s management has determined that a minimum of 50% of our manufacturers must have published CSR Reporting and membership in the EICC. To monitor this requirement, annual CSR Reports will be reviewed.
- Suppliers who do not comply with CSR reporting will be evaluated by Management and a corrective action plan will be initiated. Suppliers will have one year to comply with standards or be removed as a supplier.
Our principles
- To operate ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws.
- To value employees, embrace diversity, and promote a fair and respectful workplace.
- To provide a safe and healthy workplace, and strive to reduce the environmental footprint of products and operations.
- To be an asset to local communities by supporting educational, healthcare, and critical community needs and economic development.
- To maintain and improve management systems that govern responsible operation.
Commitment to supplier diversity
HighPoint Solutions is a Certified Minority Supplier and actively promotes the growth and use of diverse suppliers. HighPoint views this as a significant component of social responsibility and human rights.
Working with diverse suppliers gives us access to a broader range of partners. High Point encourages its suppliers to use women and minority-owned businesses within their supply chain.