Understanding Application Experience
Customer loyalty is dependent on the digital experience provided to them. Get it wrong and customers will leave and your reputation will be tarnished. The challenge is knowing how your digital applications are performing at all times. Also knowing when and where they reside in complex hybrid-cloud environments with a myriad of dependencies.
Traditional Application Performance Monitoring is no longer sufficient. You need to understand more than historic uptime figures. You need to have full visibility over how your applications are performing right now and the experience they are delivering to customers. You also need to have the ability to automate application optimization, to continually deliver against your defined baseline. This is where HighPoint can help.
Our Solutions

Enabling Application Assurance
By understanding the baseline of your business-critical application experience you can determine whether your offering is as good as it can be as well as take the necessary steps to improve efficiency and suitability.
We help you take the newly gained visibility and apply understanding and insight. What are the low, mean and peak transaction times? What are the workloads and throughputs that are contributing to the end-user experience? This delivers actionable intelligence that enables you to create and continuously improve.
Through visualizing and monitoring all components that contribute to the end-user experience the cause of anomalies can be identified. This can accelerate resolution times and lead to a greater understanding to help drive continuous improvement.
The Stages of Application Assurance
The goal is to understand, improve and assure your digital application experience. We believe there are three steps to achieving this:
Application Visibility
Gaining an understanding of the business-critical applications’ components, application flows, security posture, location and performance. Mapping dependencies to gain a complete view of how various strands come together to make the service work.
Performance Insights
Understanding whether the application is meeting performance, security and location requirements. Gaining a real-time view of the application characteristics and analyzing the placement of components to determine whether location affects performance.
Assuring Experience
Reaching the stage where telemetry, performance and thresholds can be measured in real-time. Anomalies can be identified and alerts provided to the right technology or application team to take appropriate remediation steps.
Want to Talk Application Assurance?
HighPoint are leading the way in helping organizations truly understand their business-critical applications and to manage the performance of these to deliver the best possible customer experience.
We would be more than happy to walk you through our approach and what is possible.
Simply provide us with your details and we will have one of our specialists contact you.
The Benefits of Application Assurance
The benefits of application assurance are far-reaching, providing you with the visibility you need into your business-critical applications, whilst enabling you to manage their performance. This delivers instant value including:
Exceptional Customer Experience
Having a precise understanding of how your applications operate and perform enables you to proactively assure the customer experience.
Improved Operational Efficiency
Switching the emphasis from fighting fires to proactively monitoring, managing and improving the performance of business-critical applications.
Robust Compliance and Security
Component-level visibility and application mapping, ensures that data is always retained and processed in a fully compliant and secure manner.
Why Highpoint
We have been providing Technology Infrastructure Solutions for 25 Years. We are award-winning specialists in network infrastructure, mobility, collaboration, data centers and security. We are a problem-solving company standing on the foundation of our honesty, integrity, and trust. We are driven by customer needs and not profit margins.