How to accelerate technology adoption

Your digital transformation programme is likely to see you deploy advanced technologies that are new to you and the IT team. You have two challenges: how to deploy these technologies quickly in your organisation to deliver on anticipated ROI and how you skill your people to be able to fully maximise these technologies and deliver long-term value.

As you drive to create an Agile Enterprise, adopting a secure software-defined infrastructure is a key component in creating an environment that can quickly adapt and align to business needs. This will not only expose you to new technology platforms and applications but will require a step-change in how you think about networking, security and the distribution of applications.


We would welcome the opportunity to understand where you are in your digital transformation. We would be more than happy to connect you with one of our specialists who can spend 30-40 minutes with you over a web-meeting. You can request this no obligation consultation by simply clicking below.

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Based on our experience of deploying these advanced technologies in complex enterprise environments we see three areas where organisations can maximise the positive impact that these technologies can deliver.

Accelerating Time to Value

There are two fundamental challenges that you face. How do you move at speed to deploy these advanced technologies to quickly deliver the value required to the business? And how do you apply the required level of diligence to minimise operational disruption and avoid failure?

Your team know the technology fundamentals. What they need is rapid knowledge assimilation of the new capabilities and practical help on how to implement and operationalise the new technology efficiently whilst avoiding the common pitfalls associated with inexperience and lack of familiarisation.

Evolving Skills

Skills need to evolve not just to enable your team to deploy the new technologies, but how to manage them as they are brought into operation and continually optimise these to deliver against the evolving requirements of the business.

Traditional approaches to IT operations need to change as what were manual tasks are automated and many distinct functions such as network management and security need to be seamlessly integrated. This requires both a change of mindset and new skills which is difficult to evolve solely in a classroom and is best developed through knowledge transfer and mentoring.

Aligning to Your Standards

Whereas new advanced technologies from manufacturers often have detailed implementation and configuration guides, these are usually not cognisant of the existing engineering and deployment standards that your organisation has in place to ensure interoperability, compliance and protection for current service availability.

The challenge is how you align these new technologies with existing corporate standards to satisfy engineering certification requirements for deployment into the production environment. This can be time-consuming and increases the lag between feature availability and deployment, significantly impacting the agility that IT can provide to the business.


How Can HighPoint Help

HighPoint Technology Acceleration services are designed to overcome these challenges and allow you to rapidly and confidently deploy advanced technology capability within your organisation to increase business agility and gain competitive advantage.

This Technology Acceleration methodology puts your team side by side with our highly experienced engineers throughout to maximise knowledge transfer, build practical skills quickly and ensure confidence in rapidly deploying advanced capabilities into production.

We would be more than happy to connect you with our technology acceleration services team to understand the challenges you foresee and explore how we can assist you with your new technology adoption. You can request a 30-40 minute no obligation web-based consultation by simply clicking here clicking here.