Go Ahead, Blame The Network – How To Find Root Cause In Under 60s



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During this session, special guest Vijay Mistry from ThousandEyes (Cisco) joined HighPoint’s Jacques Grobler to show you how to:

  • Reduce the amount of time spent to detect, investigate and resolve problems by 60%.
  • Reduce bridge call attendance by 30%.
  • Discover exactly which provider in the digital delivery chain is responsible for degradations.
  • Speed up the post-incident investigation and reporting process by 40% while satisfying management, regulatory, commercial and continuous improvement requirements.
  • Achieve a 70% improvement in network change success.
  • Reduce user-submitted tickets by 20% – as well as MTTI and MTTR.
  • Enable front-line teams to increase first-call resolution rates by 20% at L1 and 60% above L1.